The Press front-page headline - ‘Council must cut services’- on Saturday September 9 came as a shock if not a surprise.

I wonder how much has been spent on anti-terrorist (anti-tourist?) bollards and other similar protuberances in York over the past few years?

I’ve no idea if the sum total will run into a six or seven figure number.

If York’s ‘powers-that-be’ had not become so fixated with metal posts sticking up out of the ground, how much would have been saved from the city’s overspend, predicted to exceed £11 million next year?

Is it a case of ‘Hang on while I measure this piece of string?’ The council can introduce such impedimenta but woe betide the resident or business owner who puts out an A-board.

Is it time to revive the Second World War cartoon propaganda character the Squander Bug, that warned against spending extravagance, as a salutary message to the council?

Derek Reed, Middlethorpe Drive, York


A load of bollards

You report that the city council may have to cut services due to overspending: overspendingwhich is blamed in part on adult and children’s social care. May I suggest that this is a just a load of bollards?

Harry Edessis, Osbaldwick


Pay cut for councillors?

I refer to your article about City of York Council, needing to make cuts.

It is good to see the Labour council is trying to save money with all its proposed cuts to services.

It would be nice to see, when councillors consider their own pay and expenses allowance shortly, the same cut, or at a least a freeze.

When they stood for election in May this year, they knew the pay and allowances level, so why only less than half a year on should they expect more?

I look forward to seeing who puts their snouts in the trough the deepest.

Kevin Maddocks, The Village, Osbaldwick