The re-opening of one of Britain’s last surviving toll bridges may be delayed until December, after being closed for months.

However, its owner Alex Bell stresses this is not certain and he and his toll bridge company are doing their best to avoid any delay.

Aldwark toll bridge has been closed for major repairs since April and was due to re-open by the end of October.

A first phase of repairs is complete, with a second phase now underway.


Last week, it was reported that the bridge, which crosses the Ure between Little Ouseburn and Aldwark, near Boroughbridge, may be closed until December. It means that until then villagers in the area face a 25-mile detour.

Mr Bell told the Press: “There has been a delay, which we are working on. The work is weather-dependent. It’s a major refurbishment. We have spent £750,000 on the bridge so far. There’s more money to be spent on it and we are doing our best.”

The bridge, which is Grade II listed, dates back to 1768 when the statute was issued to create it. It was extensively restored in the 1880s after the centre section was washed away in severe floods,