HARNESSING the power of compassion will be the talking point of the city's second TEDx for women event.

Organiser Caroline Chapman - who ran the city's first TEDx series of talks back in 2019 - is returning with a bumper list of speakers for its follow-up.

The event will take place at The Mount School, York, on October 21 and tickets are now available via Eventbrite.

Caroline, who runs her own HR business, chose the theme of compassion because she believes it is a powerful force for good in business and in our personal lives.

She said: "I can pinpoint back to 2004 when I was treated with compassion in the workplace. My mother was ill and my first marriage was breaking down.

York Press: TEDx talks returning to York later this monthTEDx talks returning to York later this month

"I have been working away and exploring the word - it has a different definition from sympathy and empathy. It can be transformative in terms of physical and mental health not just to the person being compassionate, but the person receiving compassion.

"In business, it builds trust and gives a competitive advantage."

She said compassion was "action focussed", adding: "When you give sympathy, you feel sorry for someone. With empathy, you can image how they are feeling. The difference with compassion is if a person is in a bad situation you ask, what can you do to help them?"

At least eight speakers are lined up to give short talks during the event, including two from the 2019 TEDx talks, York trainer Tammy Banks and York life coach Andrea Morrison.

TEDx is a local, independent, spin-off of TED talks, designed to help share ideas in communities around the world.

Here is a run down of who is taking part at the upcoming York TEDx:

Tammy Banks

Subject: How values-led, quality training has the power to transform lives

Tammy is founder and director of Taye Training, a socially focused company that delivers training to key organisations such as the Police and the NHS. Tammy developed the training methodology and quality standard Training 4 Influence. Her book Transform Your Training is an Amazon bestseller.

Dr Indra Barathan

Subject: What if your symptoms are exactly where they need to be? That your body is delivering you a message through your symptoms and health conditions and what you can do about it

Indra graduated from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School in 1997 and worked as an NHS GP until 2015 when she opened her specialist functional medical practice to provide personalised functional medicine consultations. Indra now has one of the few multi-disciplinary practices in the UK and her team comprises of doctors, health coaches, nutritional therapists and a psychiatrist.  Indra's passion is helping her patients learn how they have got to where they have got to and what they can do to help themselves shift towards vitality. She loves supporting patients with complex medical needs, hormonal problems and gut issues. Her mission is to educate the world about functional medicine through her practice, community membership and free webinars.

Andrea Morrison

Subject: Falling in love with our wobbly bits: vulnerability or superpower?

Andrea is a transformational coach for women in business,  TEDx speaker and writer. Her mission is to raise the natural confidence, resilience and well-being of women in enterprise, enabling them to realise their potential, transform their lives and create a positive wave of change in how they do business and find life balance. 

Haddy Njie

Subject: How to transform personal pain to collective action and solve problems: five ways to do it

Resilient, fearless, and intelligent, Haddy Njie used her pain from a horrific racist experience to spearhead a city-wide motion to make York the first city in the North of England to be anti-racist and inclusive. In October 2021, the motion was unopposed and unanimously passed by city councillors of all political parties.

York Press: Caroline Chapman - TEDxHolgate Women organiserCaroline Chapman - TEDxHolgate Women organiser

Dan Archer

Subject: Returning a grandmother’s love

Dan says of the social care sector that you don’t know about adult social care unless you work in the sector or need care for a family member. His career in business and entrepreneurship took a turn when this was the case for him. A personal experience of the difficulty in securing a reliable home care service for his Nan gave Dan a drive to want to change adult social care for the better.

Since starting his business in 2018 it has grown to be the fifth largest franchised home care provider in the UK. He is a champion for workplace mental health having created Angel Care to address the specific challenges faced by a predominantly female workforce. Since 2020 he has organised an annual Live Music Festival in Sheffield called Carefest to celebrate the work done by carers.

Ros Jones

Subject: Breaking the silence around domestic abuse

Ros Jones is a Yorkshire-based business coach and personal development expert. She is fascinated by the impact of our habitual thoughts on the lives we lead and the results we achieve, so much so that she trained and qualified as a clinical hypnotherapist.

Observing the behavioural patterns within her own family while growing up, Ros was inspired to write her first novel, When I Was A Girl, published in 2022. The book contains themes of domestic violence and abuse and since its publication, Ros has listened to hundreds of people sharing their stories of domestic abuse with her. This has inspired her to look for ways to raise awareness of this subject which impacts so many lives and costs the UK economy £66 billion a year.

Iwona Michalska

Subject: Rising above pain: the power of self-compassion

Iwona is a beacon of resilience - a versatile individual whose life story embodies the transformative journey from pain to power.  As an award-winning mindset coach, accomplished physical therapist, motivational speaker, and thriving entrepreneur,  Iwona has faced and conquered life-threatening operations and immense pain.

Emma Cowling

Subject: Building compassionate AI

As a leadership coach, Emma works with women in tech to help them increase their influence and impact to become the strong authentic leaders. Starting out as a mathematician, she embraced the logical world of software development, and has continued to remain connected to tech developments, working with researchers, academics and engineers throughout her career.

Emma explains that AI (Artificial Intelligence) offers us amazing potential in its ability to find patterns across huge amounts of data, well beyond what we can achieve as humans. But human intelligence is more than the intellectual knowledge that AI is replicating.

Our ability to connect, understand one another and feel compassion is our superpower. If we want to develop AI tools and products that really support us in the future, we need to bring more feeling into the design and delivery of tech. The tech world needs to recognise the value of emotion.

Get tickets

TEDxHolgate Women, October 21, from 12pm at The Mount School

Ticket sales through Eventbrite at: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tedxholgate-women-2023-tickets-713000312127?aff=oddtdtcreator

The early bird price of £22 ends on Saturday, October 7. Tickets then cost £30 and will be available until they are all sold or until October 19.

Ticket price includes refreshments and goody bags. Only 100 tickets are available

This is a community, not for profit event where everyone involved on the day is donating their time.