HOUSING secretary Michael Gove has come under renewed fire after further delays to a decision concerning 300 homes on the edge of York.

The government was originally due to determine the appeal last September, but after several repeated delays, has extended a September 30 deadline to November 30.

The minister’s office told the Press: “Further time is required to consider this case, and it will not be possible to reach a decision on this application by the original target date.

“The Secretary of State will now issue his decision on or before 30 November 2023. It would not be appropriate to comment further.”


Housebuilders Barratt first submitted its plans for the homes off New Lane in March 2021.

But in October 2021, Barratt called in the planning inspectorate to decide, saying City of York Council had taken ‘too long.’

The council then resolved to fight the scheme, saying the 11.5ha site was designated Green Belt in the emerging Local Plan.

Huntington and New Earswick councillor Keith Orrell has called it ‘cruel’ for Mr Gove to delay the decision again, causing more uncertainty and distress.

York Press:

The Lib-Dem councillor says his party have fought to protect the site from development, with it classed as Green Belt land in the Local Plan and Huntington Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan.

He added: “The people of our area are not nimbys. Half a mile from the New Lane site 970 houses have been approved on the Monks Cross Link Road supported by local people in the Neighbourhood Plan.

“These houses will increase the number of homes in our area by over 20%. We believe our infrastructure and facilities for doctors and schools should not be expected to cope with more.”

York Press: Claire Douglas

Leader of City of York Council, Cllr Claire Douglas called the delay ‘unacceptable,’ noting how the decision over it was given to central government due to the former Lib-Dem led council failing to reach a decision on it.

Cllr Douglas added: “The Government has offered no explanation for the latest delay which is incredibly unhelpful and leaves local Huntington residents with an extended period of uncertainty over possible development their local area.  The new November deadline must be the last”.

York MP Outer MP Julian Sturdy also told the Press: "I reiterate once again that I hope the Planning Inspectorate follows a plan-based strategy and rejects this application given it is not within York's draft local plan or Huntington Neighbourhood Plan. 

York Press: Julian Sturdy

“The continued delay on determining this application only creates uncertainty for residents and I have written again to the Secretary of State calling for a final decision."

A spokesperson for Barratt Yorkshire East said: “It is disappointing that the plan for much-needed, energy-efficient homes in York has been delayed again. We hope to achieve a positive decision for local families in November.”