Bishopthorpe's 20 mph limit 'bad for pollution'

BISHOPTHORPE has been made a 20 mph zone. There was a public consultation from the council proposing a zone in the village - which I replied to and objected - but a decision, somehow, has been made.

I understand it was discussed at the Parish Council where it was decided - in order to cut expensive signage costs - to make the entire village 20 mph, so that only four signs for all four road entrances would be required. Surprise, surprise that the Indian smoke signals are reading that every road in the village will have to be sign posted - which will cost a fortune!

I can’t remember any candidates in the recent local elections advocating this proposal so who has decided this?

I am all for cutting accidents but there would be no accidents if all cars and vehicles were banned - but life has risks.

Also, 20mph is very bad regarding pollution. The council would do better removing road humps that cause severe pollution, damage to suspension (£800 to us thank you) and back pain.

This is all about control and future money extortion - 20 mph is only ½ inch on my speedometer and very hard to maintain.

The alternative? Just fine and temporary remove vehicles from stupid drivers.

Keith Massey,




York homeless: doesn't charity begin at home?

I WOULD like to know why our Government can give to young fit men who have not fled war-torn countries and have arrived illegally to our shores shelter in four-star hotels,food, pocket money, free access to dentists, doctors, education, and have not contributed anything to our country, and yet York council plans to axe the funding for the homeless in York.

Where is the fairness?

How many more homeless people will die alone on our streets?

Doesn’t charity begin at home ? I fear not. Do your best Rachael Maskell.

Irene Harris,

Fordlands Crescent,




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We shall need oil for the next 50 years

WHY the controversy over the consent to begin development of the largest untapped reserves of oil in UK waters?

For at least 50 years, we shall need oil, far better to be in control of our own supply than be dependent on the supply and demand system operated by Russia and Middle East cartels.

Multi millionaire opponents, like Lord Goldsmith, display an arrogant ignorance of daily life, high energy costs to them mean little, they can afford to embrace themselves in costly unproven climate change commitments, quite happy to leave the rest of us to shiver.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,


North Yorkshire


Giving a name to York's café culture

YORK now boasts no fewer than six Caffe Nero establishments. The Press reported this statistic on September 26, page 5, ‘Coffee chain opens sixth outlet’.

That’s a lot of coffee, old bean!’

Years ago there was a popular song that included the line, ‘They’ve got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil’. York must run them a close second!

It’s to be hoped that coffee chains with Roman imperial connections to York will join the scene; for example ‘Café Constantine’ or ‘Café Severus’. Come to think of it, perhaps ‘Café Constantine’ could be the new name for the York Minster Refectory.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,
