HECK! is kicking off October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month by hanging a giant pink bra on its HQ near the A1 in North Yorkshire.

The Bedale-based food company has also launched a special-edition pink burger pack which it hopes will raise over £10,000 for the breast health awareness charity CoppaFeel!

The campaign has been spearheaded by HECK! co-founder Jamie Keeble who was diagnosed with testicular cancer in his 20’s.

He wants employers to be armed with as much information to support individuals who are undergoing testing, have been diagnosed or are receiving treatment for cancer, and to raise awareness of the importance of regular checking for both men and women.


 Jamie said: “My diagnosis was a complete shock. I only picked it up by as I’m quite self-aware but, as a younger person, I never expected to be told I had cancer.

“My family and work colleagues were amazing, but we were all very conscious that we had limited knowledge in terms of supporting other people who might be going through similar experiences.

“With 80% of our team female, and many aged under 30, we’ve teamed up with CoppaFeel! to launch a workplace and wider awareness campaign to encourage everyone to check regularly and know their normal”.

York Press: Jamie Keeble

Passed by over 10,000 cars a day, HECK! HQ will be displaying the eye-catching pink bra throughout October and their fundraising packs of Chicken Italia Burgers have just gone sale in supermarkets nationwide.

The specially designed, bright pink packs will be available throughout October in Tesco, Amazon, Ocado, Waitrose and Booths, and with 25p from every pack sold going directly to CoppaFeel!

Jamie added: “It’s important to mention that 400 men a year are diagnosed with cancer, as well as 2,400 women under the age of 39, so awareness is key, but if the disease is diagnosed early, it is treatable.”  continues Jamie.

 The business is also hosting a “Boob Brunch & Yoga Morning” at its HQ on Saturday October 14, to help raise awareness and boost the fundraising total. The three-hour event includes a 45 minute yoga session, food & drink, goodie bags and advice from CoppaFeel!’s Boobettes.

CoppaFeel! Head of partnerships Lucy Jackson has praised workplace like HECK! Who raise the importance of staff checking their boobs, pecs or chest.

“The money raised from sales of the burgers will enable us to reach even more young people with our life-saving message,” she added.

York Press: The fund raising burgers

CoppaFeel! is the UK’s first and only breast health awareness charity for young people, founded in 2009 by Kris Hallenga and her twin sister Maren, after Kris was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer at the age of 23.

In the UK, 1 in 7 women and about 1 in 100 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, but if the disease is diagnosed early, it is curable.