RE: Tea room signage at The Old York Tea Room, Goodramgate.

The front elevation has remained unaltered for hundreds of years and should be preserved.

I have designed signs for other businesses in and around York in keeping with the look of the city and its streets within the walls, including Goodramgate, The Habit being a particular example.

The signs have received excellent reviews including from our twin city of Munster.

The Old York Tea Room sign should be completely obliterated ASAP to preserve the integrity of this medieval building and prevent Goodramgate becoming another Coney Street or perhaps Mont St Michael.

In today's particular challenges for businesses I do recognise the importance of premises being used continuously and not allowed to fall into disrepair but York people deserve better especially in a street as important as Goodramgate (so close to Minster precinct).

I feel sure York City Council will react to the wishes of its residents.

We should be a community where history is used to create our culture, therefore, the culture we create becomes our history.

Surely, we can make York both a welcoming place for visitors and a stimulating and rewarding home for its residents.

Paint "CHURCH" onto the side of the Minster? Never!

Andy Hinkles,

(aka Milladdio l'artiste),




I did warn you!

FOR most of us in York, the only thing you actually get from the council in return for the money you hand to them is your bins emptied.

Now they want to make the green bin collection a pay-as-you-go service.

Just what you need to encourage a greener city isn’t it, an additional charge if you choose grass over concrete.

And of course because of the ridiculous financial ruin the council is in, we can expect this to be a takeaway service charge set at a level that would make Rick Stein wince.

I expect many of you will be angry when this inevitably happens, to which I will simply say, well you will keep voting for these mainstream parties won’t you?

Dr Scott Marmion,




What is your view?

Email -

Keep your letter to 250 words maximum and provide your full name, address and mobile number


Keep it simple, Rishi

AS a non smoker, I welcome every endeavour by anyone, from government departments to private individuals, to reduce tobacco consumption.

However I am very concerned that Rishi Sunak’s sliding scale, age related plan, is, noble though its intentions are, has one obvious flaw.

How can you have a plan where, as it runs its course, an activity available to an octogenarian is prohibited to his next door neighbour who is one day younger?

The fair route for this journey is to name a specific date in say, ten years time, after which the purchase and consumption of tobacco products is illegal.

That’s clean, clear, and will not put those tasked with policing the plan in the insidious position of demanding proof of age from pensioners.

Richard D Bowen,

Farrar Street,



Watch out for the left

SIR Keir is cock-o-hoop that he will be the next occupant of 10 Downing Street.

Take note Sir Keir if this occurs you won't have time to unpack your suitcases before the left wing and the union barons have you replaced with their candidate for Prime Minister and their itinerary and you will be relegated once more to the back benches.

T J Ryder,

