Whatever one thinks of the successful appeal to allow 300 homes in Huntington (Controversial plans to build 300 new homes in York approved by Government, October 17) this decision begs another question: how does the council expect to achieve a 25 per cent reduction in car use when the city is expanding?

It is not just the appeal site. Large swathes of former green belt are set to be turned into housing. The people who come to live in these new outer suburbs will need and want to use private vehicles.
Against this background of urban expansion the stated objective of 25 per cent less car usage is manifestly unrealistic.
Matthew Laverack, 
Lord Mayors Walk, York

Reopen The Groves
If the council wishes to clean the air in Gillygate, a very cheap and easy solution is to reopen The Groves. Even make it one way down to Huntington Road. But messing with the traffic lights will not solve anything.
Brian Macey, Millfield Avenue, York