York hospitality chief Philip Bolson is launching an initiative next week to build skills and change perceptions in the sector.

The former GM of the Grand Hotel, who has more than 35 years’ industry experience, will launch the Junior Board, next Tuesday in the Malmaison.

Philip, who also has his own consultancy business Mr B Hospitality, told The Press: “The Junior Board is a programme that has an overarching objective to help build lifelong skills and play its part in changing the perception of the hospitality industry. It will run from this December through to June 2024.


“Hospitality is a tenacious, exciting, creative, and diverse sector but for a long time now, made worse by the pressures it has been under over the past few years it has struggled to both attract and retain great people - and show the region how amazing it is.

“We need to put a positive spotlight on the sector and celebrate the amazing people who work in it. The JB aims to do just this.

“It will be made up of 10 Junior Managers from across the various sectors within Hospitality. Those who have made their first steps into Management. It will be achieved through Board members receiving mentoring by regional experts, coaching, completing a project on sustainability, collaborating with colleges, and group development session in life skills. All of this will be brought together at monthly Board meetings.”

The programme consists of elements including junior board meetings, a college programme and coaching.

In November, Philip will seek 10 Junior Board Managers, with on boarding in December and a graduation at York St John University next July.

Few school leavers, he says, seek a career in hospitality, despite its growth, and the board would help bring young people, colleges and businesses together to tackle issues facing the sector.

To give the scheme depth and credibility, partner were needed including York St John University, marketing agency Punch Creative, hospitality software firm High Level, Cedar Court Hotels, YO1 radio, Love York and skills company the North Yorkshire Business Education Partnership.

Philip is talking with other groups abut future funding and continued: “Most exciting, however, is the mentorship programme which brings together eight of the most talented and experienced senior Hospitality Leaders in the region who will act as mentors to the Junior Board members.”

He added hospitality needs to change perceptions and to better itself.

“I know that the 10 Junior Board members who will be recruited along with the mentors I have brought on board can act as ambassadors and show the region how amazing the sector is and that it is worth investing in and not taken for granted.

“I also want this to be more than just a “one off” and so hope that this programme encourages other businesses and organisations to get on board to support both from a financial and resource perspective.”