A WELL-KNOWN charity with a base in York is marking 70 years of service, answering over 130 million calls for help so far.

The Samaritans was founded by vicar and writer-cartoonist Chad Varah on November 2, 1953. Since then, over 200 branches have been opened in locations across the UK and Ireland.

York Samaritans started in the October of 1967, with their offices located in what is now a residential home at 82, Bootham.

At the time, it was one of just 75 branches, and the city branch is now in Nunnery Lane since moving there in 1985.

York Press: York Samaritans Branch Nunnery Lane

Founder, Chad Varah visited York just a month before the Branch opened to offer his best wishes to the newly formed group.

Roy, the deputy director of York Samaritans, who didn't want to give his surname, met Chad on several occasions. He fondly remembers his  spirit right up until his death in 2007, aged 96.

He said: “The final time I met him, a couple of years before he died, was at a dinner in the House of Commons.

"He leaned across to me and said he felt he needed to go home. Despite pouring rain, he insisted on getting the tube home to Barnes and refused a taxi.

"He tottered off on his Zimmer across the wet cobbles of Parliament towards Westminster tube station, refusing any assistance.”

Roger, the longest serving volunteer at York Samaritans and now a Trustee for the Charity, took his first call for the Samaritans on November 3, 1971.


Roger said: “I wanted to put something back into society. When I moved to York, I made some enquires and heard about Samaritans. It was a perfect opportunity. I wanted to serve the community, to listen and support.”

Since Chad Varah answered his first call in 1953, Samaritans now have over 22,000 volunteers and respond to a call for help every 10 seconds.

The charity originally started as a helpline for people contemplating suicide but have since spread to helping people navigate the cost of living crisis, the recent pandemic and managing mental health when using social media.

*The Samaritans say that whatever you're going through, you can call them for free, at any time, from any phone, on 116 123.