A group of local mums concerned about the impact of climate change on their children’s future staged a sit-down protest next to York Minster at 11am today.

Members of Mothers’ Rebellion for Climate Justice set up an impromptu 'camp' with their children on picnic blankets at the feet of the statue of the Emperor Constantine near the Rose Window.

They sat in a rough circle facing outwards away from the Minster brandishing placards with slogans such as ‘For my children and yours’.

A washing line hung with a row of children’s T-shirts spelling out ‘XR (Extinction Rebellion) Families York’ hung suspended from Constantine’s sword hand.

York Press: The Mothers Rebellion sit-down protest at York Minster todayThe Mothers Rebellion sit-down protest at York Minster today (Image: Stephen Lewis)

The action was part a wave of similar protests by Mothers’ Rebellion groups across the country and around the world today, ahead of World Children’s Day tomorrow.

York mum Rosie, who was among those at today’s protest, said: “We’re here today to come together as mothers demanding change - the government has got to step it up when it comes to climate change.

“It is threatening the future of our children, and of everyone here right now.

“Climate change is here, the crisis is here, and our children are in grave danger if we don’t change things.”

York mum-of-two Nina, who was also at the protest with her children, added: “This weekend there has been a third wave of global action with Mothers’ Rebellion all over the world, on six continents.

“It’s the mothers coming together around the world to demand change.

“So our mothers circle today is part of that global movement demanding change.”

York Press: Nina at today's Mothers Rebellion protest outside York MinsterNina at today's Mothers Rebellion protest outside York Minster (Image: Stephen Lewis)

She added: “I joined Mothers Rebellion because I really like what they stand for - centring women and children in the climate movement - given how women are disproportionately adversely impacted by the climate crisis.

“And because the emphasis is on peaceful, inclusive protest it enables many to take that first important step into climate action. It gives us hope”.

Mothers Rebellion is a group affiliated to Extinction Rebellion. Some of the mums taking part in today’s action at York Minster were also members of the York group of Parents for the Future.

A spokesperson for Mothers’ Rebellion stressed all the protests around the world today were totally non-violent.

She said: “Catastrophes such as flooding, heat, drought and storms, ecocide and violent conflicts are a reality to many young children growing up today.

“Poverty, economic and social inequalities, food insecurity and forced displacement aggravate the risk that children will experience violence, abuse and exploitation.”