REVISED plans have been submitted for a major housing scheme just outside York.

Miller Homes now seeks to build 133 homes at Copmanthorpe, with a further 7 self-build properties on the 7.56ha site just south of York.

The application at the reserved matters stage follows Gladman Homes gaining planning approval to build 158 homes on the site in July 2022, following their planning application of April 2018.

Just before Christmas, Gladman also submitted plans for a 410 home scheme in Tadcaster, after originally announcing ambitions for 500 homes in its Eleven Arches scheme off Wetherby Road in November 2022.


In the final application to City of York Council, Miller Homes says the development would feature access from Tadcaster, there would be a green buffer to the west and a pocket park in the south western corner, and a potential new attenuation basin in the proposed open space.

The proposed open space would be predominantly to the north east of the site, with footways leading to it and the buffer zone to the west some 20-30m wide.

The design and layout changes, the applicant continued, followed further consultation with nearby residents in October 2023.

York Press:

The application continued: “It is considered that the density provided achieves an appropriate mix of dwellings whilst respecting local character.”

In accordance with City of York Council Policy, some 30 per cent of the homes would be affordable. There would be a mix of detached, semi-detached and small-terraced homes ranging from one to five bedrooms.

There would be six one-bed homes (affordable); 19 affordable and 19 open market 2-bed homes; 13 affordable and 37 open market 3-bed homes; 6 affordable and 25 open market 4-bed homes and 10 open market 5-bed homes.

The application explained: “The development proposals seek to reflect the current market stock in this area meeting the demands for property of this type. The proposal also includes a significant provision of semi-detached and terraced properties, alongside maisonettes and bungalows, to meet the identified need in those areas.”

It concluded the proposal will deliver ‘sustainable’ development meeting national planning policy and the site already had outline planning approval.

York Press:

“The proposed development brings significant social, economic and environmental benefits,” it said and “it has been demonstrated that the scheme will not result in any significant adverse impacts.”

“The proposals on the site are deliverable and represent development that is sustainable and will actively contribute to the vitality of the local area. On the basis of the evidence and justification set out in this Planning Statement and the other supporting plans it is respectfully requested that this application be approved without delay,” the application further concluded.