NHS is a precious jewel I awoke in the middle of the night with severe chest pain.

NHS 111 advised me to call an ambulance or go immediately to A&E.

I arrived there at 05.30, and they gave me a whole battery of tests, including an ECG and a chest X-ray.

Along the way I even got breakfast and lunch!

Fortunately it was diagnosed as a mild condition treatable with antibiotics, but I tremble to think what all this would have cost in a private hospital.

Staff and volunteers at York Hospital were brilliant, caring and friendly.

The NHS is a precious jewel. Governments of whatever colour must be urged to keep it very safe.

Anthony Day, Lastingham Terrace, York


The cost of using York Wheels

In reply to Mr William Moore’s letter (January 4) could York Wheels just correct where Mr Moore quotes £13.50 for a pre-booked journey?

The price of journeys start at £3.92 plus VAT and journeys are calculated using Google mapping services for the shortest route.

Prices are fixed prices at the point of booking using our volunteer car service.

Call York 01904 630080 to book a journey. Meanwhile, anyone interested in offering their services as a volunteer driver or Trustee would be most welcome.

Rob Atkinson, Chairman, York Wheels, The Foyer, York Hospital


Imagine a world with out war

With reference to Helen Mead’s column (The Press, January 5) about a world with no war - sadly, there has always been war somewhere on this earth.

And there always will be while there are men who get into a position of power and think whatever they say is right and everyone else is wrong.

Through history it has always been the same.

As Helen says, it is sad that we cannot live happily side by side on this earth.

We have just celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ.

If everyone followed His teachings, war would be no more.

Maureen Robinson, Broadway, York