After decades of work and millions of pounds in expenditure, the latest delay in York’s Local Plan as a result of inadequate gypsy/traveller provision (The Press online, January 8) is a damning indictment of incompetence.

Achieving an adopted Local Plan is looking increasingly unlikely. It is failure on a grand scale.

We are repeatedly told that astronomical salaries and pension perks at the top level of local government are justified to attract people with the highest skills and ability; and in recognition of the huge responsibility those individuals carry.

Well now that their abject failure is manifest that responsibility must be owned.

I would like to know which of City of York Council’s directors will be dismissed from post along with the Chief Operating Officer (to all intents and purposes the CEO) and when we can expect this to happen?

Matthew Laverack, Dissatisfied citizen and taxpayer, Lord Mayors Walk, York


York’s shabby city centre

Last week my wife and I had to go into York city centre.

We took the trip on a bus as there is never anywhere to park, even at the exorbitant prices charged.

We were taken to town by a superb driver who drove to miss the potholes and dodge the cyclists.

On reaching the city we entered the centre by playing dodge the bollards then, when we reached Parliament Street, by playing skirt the puddles or seesaw on the pavements.

After we attended to our business we amused ourselves by seeking the toilets, only to find that the entrance fee was not used to keep them clean.

Litter abounded on every footpath but at leat we saw a very unusual sight - two policemen on foot.

As we left our once beautiful city we noted that nearly all the other pedestrians were engrossed with phones held in their open hands or tight to the ear and willingly sharing all the views to the general public.

On reaching home we were agog as to how York, once among the most beautiful cities in the world, has been desecrated by useless council policies.

TJ Ryder, Acomb, York