MORE than 100 family homes have been approved by councillors to be built in a York village.

The planning committee of City of York Council last night approved the development at New Earswick, despite much opposition.

The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JHRT) is to build the 117 homes on a 4.7ha Green Belt site north of Willow Bank, along with parking for 160 cars.

Due to the Green Belt status of the site, however, the decision has to be confirmed by the Secretary of State.


Opponents said the scheme on the ‘Old School Field’ was too large for New Earswick, it would cause traffic congestion, worsen flooding problems, take land used by dog walkers and the village lacked healthcare and social facilities.

However, the trust says the scheme will deliver 113 high quality homes, suitable for families.

All of the homes will be affordable meaning residents can either rent them wholly from the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) on Social Rent or buy part of the home through Shared Ownership.

York Press: Artists impression of the scheme

The houses will be a mixture of 1, 2 and 3-bed homes, with 60% being available for Social Rent and 40% for Shared Ownership. 

Once built, the homes will be allocated to people on either the City of York Housing Register or by application to the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT). 

These homes are part of JRHT’s plans to provide 1,000 new and affordable homes by 2030, helping to reduce the shortfall of affordable housing locally.  

With York in a ‘housing crisis’ with a severe shortage of homes, the trust says the planning approval will be welcomed by many, including those on City of York Council’s Housing Register, which exceeds more than 1,200 households.

Chris Simpson, Executive Director for JRHT said: “It is fantastic news. These new homes will provide more residents with an affordable home within York. We recognise it has taken a while to reach this stage, but it has been important to listen to and address concerns and questions raised during the public consultation and the planning process.   

York Press: Artists impression of the scheme

“Once built these homes will be an integral part of the village of New Earswick, addressing the community’s needs while preserving the village’s distinct identity.  

“JRHT looks forward to continuing our work with City of York Council in providing more affordable homes for York in the near future.” 

City of York Council figures show a need for 592 social and affordable rent homes to be delivered in the city each year. Over the last five years an average of just 92 social and affordable rent homes were delivered a year, a 500 home shortfall and just 15% of the homes needed.