Opposition Lib Dem councillors in York are pressing Labour to abandon the planned introduction of a ‘deeply unpopular’ charge for green bin collections.

They say they have already gathered more than 2,000 names on a petition opposing the charge.

Under budget proposals announced last week designed to save £14.3 million in 2024/25, York council’s ruling Labour group said it would be introducing an annual ‘subscription’ of £46.50 per bin to empty green bins from April.

It may be possible to offer a 50 per cent discount for residents who struggled to afford the service, the group said.

Defending the proposed charge, the council’s joint executive member for environment and climate emergency Cllr Jenny Kent said: “Ten years ago less than a third of councils charged for garden waste collection, but as central government has gradually removed local government funding, this has increased to around 70 per cent.

"Put bluntly, this non-statutory service costs £1.75m per year and we now can’t afford to run it for free.”

The move was one of a number of cost-saving measures proposed as the authority attempts to find ways to plug an expected £40 million ‘black hole’ in its finances over the next four years.

But Lib Dem councillors say they will be calling on Labour at a council Executive meeting on Thursday to abandon what they call a ‘deeply unpopular Green Bin Tax’.

Liberal Democrat councillor for Haxby & Wigginton Andrew Hollyer said: “Residents have been clear that they do not support the introduction of Labour’s deeply unpopular Green Bin Tax.

“We fear that this will result in increased fly tipping, burning of green waste or it being deposited into black bins. It is also highly likely that there will be more car trips to the tip, worsening congestion on the roads.

“We have collected over 2,000 signatures calling on the Labour administration to reverse this cut. The Liberal Democrats will be presenting an alternative budget to the Budget Council meeting in February and we will be exploring ways to scrap the Green Bin Tax.”

Councillor Paula Widdowson, the Lib Dem environment spokesperson, added: “If Labour are going to plough ahead with their deeply unpopular tax then it is clear that they must curb some of the excesses with a reduction for those who cannot afford to pay for the service. They also need to look at ways of allowing residents to share a green bin if that meets their needs.”

Cllr Kent said today Labour had had no option but to consider charging for green bin collections, because of Conservative cuts in council funding

“ If our funding had kept pace with inflation since 2010 we would have £40m more this year and no cuts would be required,” she said.

“It is critically important that we are able to continue to deliver the vital care services that our residents need, and to do this we must think differently about all of the services we deliver and how we deliver them.

"The majority of our budget has to be spent on adult social care and childrens’ services. It is hard to justify the continuation of free green waste collection to only two thirds of the City as a priority against other demands.

“We will encourage households to choose home composting as the best option for the environment at minimal cost.”