POTHOLES seem to be grabbing the headlines lately with councils across the country demanding that central government allocate more taxpayers' money so that repairs can be done.

I would like to suggest that government shouldn’t provide another penny to York at least until potholes are repaired properly.

The attached photo shows a very recent repair in Osbaldwick.

It can be seen quite clearly that the “repair” hasn't included all of the hole, nor has the detritus from the hole been swept up, just left for a cyclist to come a cropper on or to block the drain!

On February 15 major repairs are planned for this road but not at this location.

The council seem to be determined to waste our money.

If these repairs were done to the correct standard, the problem would not be as bad as it is.

Whoever did this should be embarrassed.

Harry Edessis,

Sadberge Court,

Osbaldwick, York


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