YORK city centre’s last traditional newsagents has come to the rescue of customers who lost their daily newspaper delivery when its only remaining competitor closed down late last year.

The Press reported in the autumn how bailiffs had called at Fishergate News in Fishergate to re-possess the property.

Customers who got their papers - including The Press - delivered to their homes by the business were left high and dry by the closure.

But Jess Cawood, who runs No 1-4 News in Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate, says some clients subsequently contacted her to see if she could do their deliveries instead, and she had started a new round to accommodate the extra demand.

However, she said she still had capacity to take on more customers and she suspected there were other former Fishergate News customers out there who just hadn’t realised they could still get a  daily paper delivered by her business.

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Jess said the closure of Fishergate News, coupled with the loss in recent years of other newsagents in city centre streets including Nessgate, Goodramgate and near the entrance to the market, meant her shop was the centre’s last remaining traditional newspaper shop.

“Newspaper sales are gradually dying, of course, but there are still people out there who want to have a paper such as The Press in their hands each day, delivered through their letterbox,” she said.

“I’m determined to carry on providing such a service for as long as possible.”

Jess said any former Fishergate News customers who would like to get a paper delivered again, or anyone across a wide area of York who would like a delivery, can contact her or David by calling 01904 631886 or by emailing: info@no1-4news.co.uk