I HAVE read the comments in The Press about the situation regarding the civic party, I use the term civic party simply because it concerns the Sheriff and not only the Lord Mayor as it seems to indicate.

Comments have come from previous Lord Mayors and Sheriffs, but sadly I have noticed they are from Conservatives and Liberal Democrats nothing from Labour party!

Well, I was a Labour Lord Mayor ( the proper title is Right Honourable Lord Mayor) and also a Sheriff , titles given to the city by the monarchy. #I was proud to cover both these roles, covering events and visits all over the county and abroad.

When the new administration came into power the first thing they did was make an absolute mess of Lord Mayor's Day before they had even taken up their seats in the chamber, a strong indication of what was to come.

Even knowing the attitude of the group and the fact that many of them have only served a year, I never expected such actions that totally devalue the role of the civics.

READ MORE: Lord Mayor of York to lose Mansion House home as part of budget cuts

Reducing the allowances, and at the same time hypocritically raising their own allowances. Making them use public transport, no chains and no robes just a token badge of some sort to indicate who they are, and if the function is not on the official list or outside the York boundary they have to pay their own expenses!

These are just a couple of glaring issues that grab your attention, so when you next invite them to your Macmillan coffee morning or your local school or nursery, don't expect anything remotely like a civic party, just wait at the bus stop (take a warm coat as it may be late) and wait for someone departing wearing God knows what and a little badge - look carefully; if it says Lord Mayor or Sheriff that's them!

So put the kettle on and with a bit of luck they will have brought a couple of tea bags to break the ice.

This may be a light hearted comment but those contacts with the citizens of York, both young and old, are a very important part of the civic role

Where we go from here is anyone's guess, it's certainly not the Mansion House, which was built to be the home of the Lord Mayor and should continue to have that place of pride in our worthy city.

If you have the time I urge you to go to the council website and read the agenda.

Brian Watson,

Beckfield Lane,



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What a load of bollards!

OH my! The city council’s policy on diverting terrorist attacks from our city centre seems actually to be much more sophisticated than I thought.

The grim, utilitarian-designed bollards at the junction of one of our most important commercial and financially viable streets - that is, just across the massively important Ouse Bridge, at Spurriergate and High Ousegate, leading to Coney Street and the Coppergate Centre - have been erected not entirely vertically.

Like a pram has hit one. Well, that must put the infernal miscreants off, then, nice double bluff.

Meanwhile, the council might have to withhold funds from the Brunswick Nursery at Bishopthorpe which provides massively more community support for people with skills but have learning needs. And also offers volunteering opportunities for people who just want to give a little bit back. Plus, it is a business venture. And a local resource for produce.

The wonky bollards will not deter a serious attack. What an horrendous waste of our money.

Joanna Appleby,

Appleton Roebuck,
