I read your recent article about the long wait time in York A&E (Patient left waiting 10 hours in agony in York Hospital, February 10) - funnily enough whilst waiting in A&E!

Personally I don’t think enough is being said on the matter. I’ve unfortunately had to attend twice in the last two weeks due to ongoing asthma issues.

Both times the wait to see a doctor was over 12 hours. Patients are there waiting to be seen longer than the staff are on shifts. On my most recent visit, there were only 11 patients waiting, so they’re seeing less than one per hour.

It has become absolutely shocking and everyone who came in had no idea the wait times would be this long, particularly as the hospital website advertises an estimated wait time of four hours, which is clearly incorrect.

This leads to frustrated patients who are taking it out on the nursing staff.

I have to say the nursing staff are usually excellent.

Hopefully more will be done, however, as it’s just highly unreliable and people aren’t getting the care they deserve.

Sam Cooke, Rosebery Street, York


How can epilepsy meds be ‘out of stock’?

I write with distress and worry after being told at the local chemist that my disabled son’s regular epilepsy medication is ‘out of stock’! The pharmacist said I had to try to source it myself.

Panic and shock set in and I then had to list and ring all chemists around Yorkshire to source it.

It was dreadful to be told there is none!

Eventually I found odd boxes here and there and had to travel to different chemists to collect it.

This has been going on now for more than two months and is not looking any better.

My son’s neurologist says there really isn’t any alternative.

Apparently the government are on this but it isn’t helping here and now.

Life is hard for my son as it is but now this?

I am scared of the consequences and I don’t know what to do.

Karen Greenheld, Tadcaster