A FORKLIFT driver who lunged at his neighbour while armed with a kitchen knife has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Daniel John Parker, 50, confronted the victim outside the victim’s house at lunchtime in front of residents, said Rachael Landin, prosecuting.

He later told police he had been preparing food in his kitchen before going into the street and had forgotten he had the knife in his hand.

There was a history of problems between the households of the two men who live a few doors apart in the same street.

Neal Kutte, defending, said: “The defendant saw red, a red mist descended for a brief period of time.”

Parker didn’t usually behave in such a way and was remorseful, said the defence solicitor advocate.

Parker, of Westfield Avenue, Eggborough, pleaded guilty to affray and carrying a knife in public on the day he was due to stand trial at York Crown Court.

He was made subject to a 13-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months on condition he does 180 hours’ unpaid work. He must pay £750 prosecution costs. 

He was also made subject to a restraining order banning him from contracting or approaching the victim and others of his household and banning him from making any social media posts about them for three years.

Ms Landin said the victim was in the street at 1.30pm on August 22, 2022, when he heard Parker’s voice in the distance objecting to remarks he was making and the victim returned to his own home.

Shortly afterwards, a member of his household told him Parker was at the door “screaming and shouting”.

He went to the door but there was no-one there. He went outside and saw Parker shouting.

Parker took a large carving knife, eight to ten inches long, from his waistband and charged at the victim, the court was told.

“The defendant lunged towards the complainant whilst holding up the knife in his hand and making a stabbing motion in the complainant’s direction,” said Ms Landin.

“Other neighbours came out into the street at which point the defendant quickly left.”

The incident lasted about 15 minutes.

Mr Kutte said: “This is an isolated incident. This isn’t an incident of a man going round armed looking for trouble.”

Parker had reacted to a specific action of the victim and had not used the weapon to injure the victim.

He had been working as a forklift driver until his employer learnt about the charges he was facing and sacked him. He was hopeful of getting a new job.