Dee Dee, the three-year-old Springer Spaniel, was brought to the RSPCA's York animal home off Landing Lane in a pitiable condition after being found collapsed and abandoned in a field.

"Dee Dee was emaciated with a horrific wound to the leg which had become severely infected and was slowly poisoning her body," a member of staff at the animal home said.

"She was rushed to the vets to receive the emergency treatment she needed to save her life."

Luckily, the staff member said, Dee Dee is 'a little fighter' and has managed to make a 'miraculous recovery'.

However, her injury has left her with some permanent issues with her back legs for which she will need ongoing pain relief.

"Her x-rays show some kind of bone change that will never improve," the staff member said.

"But Dee Dee does not let this affect her zest for life.

"In true spaniel style she is a happy, always-on-the-go girl."

Dee Dee's ability to exercise is restricted, however, due to the issues with her legs.

"So adopters will need to come up with different ideas on how to keep her mentally stimulated," the staff member said.

"But Dee Dee is an absolutely fantastic dog, with a really sweet nature.

"She is kind, gentle and very lovable, (although) she is a little shy when meeting new people, which is totally understandable after all she has been through."

The RSPCA says Dee Dee will make someone a 'really great addition to the family'.

Dee Dee is suitable to live with another calm dog, but will need an adult only home.

The RSPCA York Animal Home is an independent animal shelter and relies upon the support and funding of local supporters to allow it to rehome hundreds of cats, dogs, small animals and wildlife each year.

To find out more, or to see what other animals are available for adoption, visit