Council chiefs have stepped up efforts to help people quit smoking in York.

City of York Council says smoking causes 200 deaths a year in York and costs the city's economy £120 million a year.

Now the council has invested £196,000 into efforts to help people quit.

The Press has previously reported on the council's report into the extent and impact of smoking in York.

One of the principal ways the council is helping people to quit is through their health trainer service.

Glyn Newberry, the programme manager of the health trainer service, told The Press how it works.

"It's very much looking at the behavioural change, we look at smoking as a triangle where you've got the addiction to nicotine, your behaviour and your habits," said Mr Newberry.

He said that most adults he encounters smoke out of habit, and that the health trainers use their specialist knowledge to tackle such causes.

Mr Newberry added: "People who smoke already know its unhealthy, but its about tackling those who do things like having a cigarette first thing in the morning when they wake up."

Previously, the health trainer programme had a four week long provision, where they offer appointments, nicotine patches, and potentially even e-cigarettes to help people quit.


It has since been extended to a 10 week long programme to increase the chances of getting someone to quit.

Mr Newberry said the funding will allow the programme to start targeting groups in York with higher smoking rates.

He said: "There are just certain pockets where smoking is still higher so part of the new funding we’ve got is getting out there and getting into the community."

The health trainer team has also gained two new members of staff following the funding boost. Mr Newberry said the increased capacity was a major positive.

The service hopes to "take that next step", as it plans to visit workforces, community groups, and organisations. It will also seek to guide children away from vaping, which is being done in conjunction with the charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH).

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