DID you see them? York witnessed a spectacular display of the Northern Lights overnight.

Scores of residents took to social media to share photos of the dazzling night sky as the aurora borealis danced its green and purple hues above the dark sky over York.

In our Press Camera Club, members posted photos from every corner of the city as the night sky came alive shortly after midnight.

Aurora watchers predicted that this evening would be a good night to see the Northern Lights because of a combination of clear skies and one of the strongest geomagnetic storms for years hitting the earth.

York Press: Northern Lights at Sheriff Hutton - by Kieran DelaneyNorthern Lights at Sheriff Hutton - by Kieran Delaney (Image: Kieran Delaney)

Such storms increase the chance of seeing the aurora borealis.

According to BBC Weather, clear skies made a sighting possible from most parts of the UK, with people in Northern Ireland, Scotland and northern parts of England having a higher likelihood.

York's Paul Mortz, a self-styled 'aurora hunter' and expert also predicted the Northern Lights would be "happening in a big way tonight" in a post on the popular Aurora Hunters UK & Iceland Facebook page.

Judging by these photos from York tonight - the predictions were spot on.

We are sharing some of these incredible photos with you now - but we would love to see yours too.