A LOCAL man will tomorrow complete a 100-day running challenge to raise vital funds for his friend’s cancer treatment.

In the last 99 days, Nick Nixon has completed 99 5k runs.

Tomorrow, the 38-year-old will finish run number 100, in and around his home town of Stamford Bridge.York Press: Nick Nixon with his dog Ron, who has joined him on some of his runsNick Nixon with his dog Ron, who has joined him on some of his runs (Image: Nick Nixon)

It’s all to raise money to help his friend Adam Gray pay for pioneering cancer treatment in the US and Mexico.

Adam, 37, is a young dad who, a couple of years ago, was given only months to live.

He grew up in York, but now lives in Harrogate.

He first featured in The Press back in 2020 when he was told that he had pancreatic cancer and between six to 12 months to live. His wife Chrissy was pregnant with the couple’s first child.

Since then life has been a bit of a rollercoaster for Adam and his family.

York Press: Adam, Chrissy, Amelie and Wilf GrayAdam, Chrissy, Amelie and Wilf Gray (Image: Supplied)

He began to research his condition - which led to him to starting a strict diet and a regime of countless pills and supplements, as well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

He and his family also set out to raise £100,000 for pioneering cancer treatment in the US and Mexico, after he ‘reached the end of the road’ in terms of NHS treatment.

Nick and Adam, who now has two children, became friends at school in Lincolnshire.

They lost touch for years, and only comparatively recently realised that they both now lived in Yorkshire.

Since then, they have ‘reignited’ their friendship.


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Adam said what Nick was doing by tackling 100 5k runs in 100 days was ‘amazing’.

“He’s just one of the most supportive people,” Adam said.

Nick, himself a dad of two, set out on his mission to run 100 5k races in 100 days on February 3.

York Press: Nick running in Saudia ArabiaNick running in Saudia Arabia (Image: Nick Nixon)

Since then, he hasn’t missed a single day – not even when he was on holiday in Cornwall with his family, or when business took him to Saudia Arabia for a week.

As head of PR for sports consultancy Performance54, he had to visit Riyadh for a golf event.

He arrived at his hotel at 11.30pm – and promptly set off to run laps around the hotel to make sure he didn’t miss a day.

Nick describes himself as a ‘6ft 2in, lumbering 17-plus stone man nearing his 40s’.

He admits he wasn’t exactly cut out for the running challenge.

“But that was part of the appeal,” he said.

“Recognising Adam and his family must be going through hell, I wanted to make the challenge as hard as possible to help encourage people to support my fundraising efforts.”

He’s so far raised just over £1,200 – and admits he’s got fit by doing so.

He’s shed about a stone. “I’m fitter than ever,” he admitted.

He’ll be setting off on his 100th and final run at 12 noon tomorrow from the Old Station Club in Stamford Bridge – returning to the same spot at about 12.3pm, after having completed his final 5k.

Part of him will feel relieved at completing the gruelling challenge, he admits.

But part of him will want to keep on running.

“I’ve lost weight – and I feel healthier than I have done for a longtime!

“But most important – I’d like to raise some more money for Adam!”

To support Nick’s fundraiser, visit justgiving.com/crowdfunding/nick-nixon-5k-a-day-4-100-days

Adam and his family also have their own fundraising page, at www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/Savesadamslife?utm_term=P48543AKX

So far, they have raied more than £50,000 towards Adam’s treatment.