Olly Alexander was urged to pull out of Eurovision just hours before the final over the inclusion of Israel in this year's competition.

The Years and Years singer, who was born in Harrogate and is representing the UK in Malmo, Sweden, was told "to do the right thing and boycott Eurovision".

Israel's participation in the competition has been controversial with large-scale protests taking place.

Olly Alexander urged to drop out of Eurovision just hours before final

In an open letter addressed to Olly Alexander, Queers For Palestine said: "Can you hear your fans chanting all over Europe for you to do the right thing and boycott Eurovision? Despite the slogan ‘United by Music’, this Eurovision will forever be remembered as among the most complicit: United by Genocide.

"The organisers, the European Broadcasting Union (@ebu_hq) are protecting genocidal Israel by refusing to exclude it from the contest, and are instead banning all shows of solidarity for Palestine.

"Olly, once you take the stage on Saturday there is no going back. We know that the last few months have been a hard time for you. Being asked to sacrifice such a big career moment is no easy choice, and we appreciate the thought you must have put into it. As many of us know, taking a stand can be sincerely challenging, but your community stood with you in opposition to Israel’s pinkwashing of genocide with the Voices 4 London letter you signed. You still have the power to make a difference– we are all looking to you."

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The letter continued: "We know you must feel dizzy with the pressure. But we ask one last time: join the millions of us around the world who support Palestinian liberation and are prepared to make sacrifices when necessary and when called upon to do so by oppressed communities.

"We in Queers for Palestine salute the countless venues and organisers across Britain– from Edinburgh to Bristol, London to Brighton– and all over Europe, who have cancelled Eurovision screening parties, heeding the call from Palestinians and their own communities, queer and otherwise. They recognise that what they stand to lose is minor in comparison to the genocide being inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza every day.

"As we write this, Israel is on the verge of invading Rafah, the last designated “safe zone” in besieged Gaza, after bombing it for days. Whatever glitz and glamour of Eurovision remains, after being so thoroughly tarnished by the EBU’s failure to ban apartheid Israel, can only constitute a disgraceful artwashing and pinkwashing of genocide. You should have no part in it, as we believe you recognise."

The group concluded: "Olly, as a beloved queer icon you have substantial influence. As drag queen @crystal.will.see.you.now said on BBC Newsnight yesterday to all of us, 'This is something you can do. Boycott.' We will be boycotting Eurovision until Israel is banned. You can still join us. You will be rich in our love and admiration, and in your heart for having done the right thing."

Fans were quick to echo these sentiments with one writing: "@ollyalexanderr what's more important, a performance, or the lives of millions?"

Another added: "@ollyalexanderr don’t sacrifice your integrity for mainstream financial gain. stand with your queer community in solidarity with Palestine."