OUTLINE planning permission is sought for 5 commercial units in a village near York that would create 16 jobs.

Castleford-based MKC (Yorkshire) Ltd seek to erect a 50m by 18m building on Shirbutt Lane, Hessay, behind an existing workshop/office.

Plans submitted to City of York Council says the area already is used for businesses and features sheds, outbuildings, open storage and hardstanding.

The area is already used for employment and the development will replace buildings that previously occupied part of the site.

The application added the proposed development on a 0.2ha site would support the growth of existing businesses in the area and help attract new ones to it.

The businesses would be in “modern efficient buildings, well located in terms of access to workforces and sustainable ease of access to the highway distribution networks.”

It continued: “The social function is also supported by the opportunities for local sustainable employment that diversified the rural economy away from agriculture and such employment provides opportunities for community development supporting well-being.

“Finally, it makes effective use of an underused land asset whilst respecting the openness and purpose of the Green Belt,” the application also concluded.