A TAXI driver was abused in a road rage incident in York.

The attack happened on Monday, May 6 at 11.20am when a man, who was driving a Ford Mondeo, followed a taxi from Crombie Avenue to Wigginton Road (near the first roundabout entrance to York Hospital).


A police spokesperson said: "Once he caught up with the taxi, the man made verbal threats before damaging the car."

At the time, the area was busy so any witnesses or people with dashcam footage are encouraged to come forward.

If you have any information, then please email Fiona.wilding@northyorkshire.police.uk or call 101 and ask for Fiona Wilding. Alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their website.

Please quote reference 12240079926 when passing on information