I DEPLORE the idea of chopping down any of the trees in Parliament Street as suggested by Mr Deamer in his letter (The Press online May 16).

The surfaces could be levelled in other ways by gradual raising the area effected.

It should be noted that this would have no impact the road or either pavement.

Let’s hope the council don’t take the easy option to fell the trees like they did in Sheffield.

Chris Gott,



...MR Deamer’s letter regarding the trees in Parliament Street -in days gone by, there were no trees in this street whatsoever.

Not only do they lift the rather expensive flagstones, the roots work their way into the sewers and drains, causing unseen damage.

L Fraser,



York Press: A bustling market in Parliament Street, York in 1934, when British Home Stores and Marks and Spencer stood next to each other - and no trees in sight!A bustling market in Parliament Street, York in 1934, when British Home Stores and Marks and Spencer stood next to each other - and no trees in sight!

...RE: Mr Deamer's letter about cutting down the trees in Parliament Street. The trees must not be removed.

They are beautiful and add atmosphere - it will be any other street without them. Absolutely no!

Karen Hayhurst,

Ancress Walk.


...TIDY everything else up and leave the trees.

Carolyn Murphy

Orchard Road,

Upper Poppleton,



What is your view on these trees - or anything else going on in York?

Send your views to: letters@thepress.co.uk

Write no more than 250 words and please provide your full name, address and mobile number


Has Sir Keir got his sums wrong?

I THINK that Sir Keir has got his maths wrong on all his proposals. Take education, for example, - 6,500 new teachers. That equates to virtually nil when retirement and resignations take place.

Get your sums right Sir Keir or lose the confidence of the electorate.

TJ Ryder,




No ID, no vote

I WENT to try to vote in the latest mayoral election. I turned up with the poll card; for my photo identification, I brought a current library card of York St John and a bank card. All of which were not valid.

I do not have a driving licence; somewhere I have an out-of-date passport.

No wonder people are showing less interest in politics.

Timothy Wynn Werninck,

Dodgson Terrace,

