YORK Central MP Rachael Maskell says the government must make a commitment to pay full compensation to all victims of the infected blood scandal – and their families.

“Nearly 3,000 people have died prematurely as a result of contracting HIV, Hepatitis C or in the case of 820 haemophiliacs, both diseases,” Ms Maskell said.

“Before another victim dies, Government must heed every word of Sir Brian Langstaff’s report and pay the full compensation to families without further delay.”

She said ‘lessons must be learnt’ from sir Brian’s report.

“It is crucial that people are held to account for the decisions that have (been) made, including the slow approach by Government in paying compensation,” she said.

York Press: Rachael MaskellRachael Maskell (Image: Supplied)

“Future incidences can, and must, be prevented and not least clinicians aware of the risk (must be) able to safely raise concerns. Meanwhile there are cheques to be written to all who suffered detriment.

“Having presented a petition to Parliament on 20 March 2024, I am determined that there is immediate implementation of recommendations of the inquiry and that families now receive compensation.

“They should no longer have to campaign for justice but be able to know that their tenacity has changed the way that public inquiry compensation schemes work.”