Members of the public are invited to add their contribution to a York mural.

York-born mural artist @sledone will be completing his work on the walls of Browns department store in Back Swinegate on Thursday May 23.

Working in conjunction with York BID in preparation for York Festival of Ideas starting on June 1, the artist worked on a brief relating to the ‘Power of Place’.

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The 30-year-old-artist, who has other works on display here and in Amsterdam, Bristol and London said: “I’ve included the Peregrine Falcon for its power and links to York Minster, where my grandad Tom Adamson worked as an apprentice stonemason.”

York Press: @sledone said brick was actually OK to work on despite not being the smoothest of surfaces@sledone said brick was actually OK to work on despite not being the smoothest of surfaces (Image: Kevin Glenton)

Project manager for York BID Rachel Bean said: “This is our fourth mural and work with a different Yorkshire based artist.

“Browns have amazing – they were really keen to do something and the work here replaces an existing mural.

“It’s a permanent installation – an anti-graffiti topcoat will be applied – and we want it to last as long as possible."

The artist said the work seen today (May 21) is around 50 per cent complete and, weather permitting, should be ready for the public to contribute their quotes after an unveiling on Thursday, May 23.