A soldier filmed a woman covertly while they had sex together in Army accommodation.

Adam Kerr, 29, of 29 Commando the Royal Artillery, saw the woman as an “object” and not a woman, York Crown Court heard.

Today he has been dismissed from the Army and is on the sex offenders’ register.

Brooke Morrison, prosecuting, said the 29-year-old soldier didn’t know the woman before they met in a Harrogate bar and he took her to his Army quarters.

There for 10 minutes he filmed them having sex without her knowledge on his mobile phone.

When the woman realised what the soldier was doing, she fled wearing his dressing gown.

“Police found her on the grounds of the defendant’s Army barracks crouched behind a tank,” said Ms Morrison.

In a victim personal statement, the woman told Kerr: “What you did to me was calculated and showed at least a deep disregard for me as a woman.

“You took away my feeling of safety and wellbeing. I hope in the future you redefine your definition of a woman and see women as people and not an object which is what you reduced me to.”

She said the mental effects of the voyeurism continued to affect her two years later. She had had to take a month off work, her relationships had suffered, she had been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and couldn’t sleep for a year afterwards.

Defence barrister Harry Crowson said Kerr had been expecting to be promoted, but following the court case had been dismissed from the Army.

“His career in the Army is over, a career he was brilliant at and which he had no intention of leaving,” he said.

He said Kerr was still regarded as an “exceptional” soldier with “exceptional” military skills.

Kerr, who had previously given his address as 29 Commando the Royal Artillery in Plymouth and will now be living in Mardale Road, Carlisle, denied voyeurism but was convicted at trial.

He falsely claimed the woman had consented to the filming.

Judge Simon Hickey said: “You destroyed the career you loved (in which) I am sure you would have done well. You destroyed it by your behaviour.”

He made Kerr subject to an 18-month community order with an accredited rehabilitative program of 43 sessions and put him on the sex offenders’ register for five years.

Ms Morrison said Kerr and the woman had encountered each other at a Harrogate bar in 2022 and had gone back to Kerr’s quarters.

While she was in the bathroom, he set up his mobile phone and it filmed them having consensual sex.

She decided to stop and while she was getting dressed, she realised he had filmed them. She ran out of the room wearing his dressing gown and rang 999, telling police Kerr was following her.

Members of the 29 Commando Regiment the Royal Artillery have to qualify as Commandos, and provide support for the Royal Marines.