TWO men from York are attempting to walk 44 miles and play 216 holes of golf in three days - all for a good cause.

Rob Moore and George Middleton are raising money for Scope after the charity offered support to their friend Will’s five-year-old son, Archie - who has recently undergone Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR), a spinal surgery from which he had to learn to walk again from scratch.

The pair hope to play all 12 courses in the York Union in just three days, having started on Wednesday, May 29 with their final course being played (alongside Will) on their home course of Fulford on Friday, May 31.

After the final hole has been played, celebrations will commence in Fulford's club house with a charity raffle and auction - all in aid of Scope.


As reported previously by The Press, Archie suffers from periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) and, as a result of this, has cerebral palsy (CP).

Will Pepper, Archie’s dad (who will be playing the final course), said: “Archie is affected mainly in his lower half and on his right-hand side. Along with CP, he has had trouble with muscle spasticity as well, which has affected his sleep, walking, and general day to day activities. It has meant he needs a frame, and now a wheelchair to get around longer distances.

York Press: Archie, aged 5, who inspired the fundraising efforts.Archie, aged 5, who inspired the fundraising efforts. (Image: Will Pepper)

“Despite all this Archie lives a VERY full life. He is a typical five-year-old who loves cars, trains, and jumping off things. You can’t stop him - he is the most determined little person we have ever met.”

Explaining his support for Scope, he added: “With the money raised, we’d like to help them get some of the equipment and toys they need to make the kids' hospitals stays more enjoyable.”

At the time of writing, Rob and George have exceeded their JustGiving target with 372 per cent of the original amount raised – £1,860 – but the duo are hoping they will be able to continue raising more as they progress through the challenge. 

York Press: Rob and George preparing to tee off.Rob and George preparing to tee off. (Image: Provided)

They have also raised an additional £2,500 through raffle ticket sales - which will be held at the Fulford Golf Club from 7.30pm - and anticipate the total to rise still when items such as a signed Leeds shirt and F1 drawings, autographed by Lewis Hamilton, come under the hammer.

Donations to the challenge can be made through JustGiving and enquiries regarding the raffle or auction can be made at the event.