A COMMUNITY network has been launched in York for business women working or living in the city of the surrounding areas.

BusinessBelles the York City Ladies women in business network for the city already has more than 160 members with the group holding monthly events during the first full week of each month.

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Paula Stainton, York City Ladies chairperson said there's no membership fee and events are deliberately kept low cost.

“BusinessBelles began life as a women in business networking opportunity alongside key York City Ladies matchdays at the LNER York Community Stadium in 2023, and with the closure of another network, we felt there was a real gap for women to connect locally, so as part of our commitment as York City Ladies FC - aka the MinsterBelles - to champion women in all roles on and off the pitch, we decided to focus on developing the network in 2024," said Paula.

York Press: Paula Stainton York City Football Club Foundation managerPaula Stainton York City Football Club Foundation manager (Image: Supplied)

"The aim of the network is to provide women in York the opportunity to have female only networking opportunities, created and designed by listening to female voices. And as a result, we hope to raise awareness of York City Ladies Football Club both what we are doing on and off the pitch.

"Monthly networking events based on conversation - and caffeine and cake are a regular feature - and providing both personal and professional development opportunities, which makes the network unique in it’s intent. The events run across the city and have been hugely supported by female counterparts at The Grand Hotel, Hotel Du Vin and Hilton York in hosting events so far this year.

"Events take place the first full week of each month, and rotate across different days so as not to be a barrier to those who may work part-time on set days, and are usually afternoon events. It’s an exclusive community for business women - for both women in leadership roles for businesses in York as well as women running their own business, so there is a real mix for networking and sharing."

There is an online facebook platform for promoting the BusinessBelles monthly networking events, membership networking through the group, sharing of tips and resources, asking for ideas or guidance, offering support and inspiration.

Go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/326974423623255/

Their next event is on Friday, June 7 from 12.30pm-2.30pm at Hotel du Vin in The Mount.

York Press: BusinessBelles QR CodeBusinessBelles QR Code (Image: Supplied)