COUNCIL chiefs are pledging to tackle traffic problems near York Hospital - after one visitor branded the congestion "impossible".

Motorists approach York Hospital and its multi-storey car park via the single-carriageway Wigginton Road, which has a small roundabout at the site entrance.

Due to how busy the hospital can be, cars trying to enter the hospital can often queue onto Wigginton Road and mix with the passing traffic.

Peter Davis, from Easingwold, encountered the problems when he started visiting a friend at York Hospital.

"In the last month or so I visited roughly once a week, almost irrespective of what time of day it was, the traffic was just appalling," he said.

"The traffic either way to that tiny little roundabout is just impossible.

"How on earth anyone gets there in time for an appointment I just don’t know".


Peter added that he believes the traffic frequently added 30 to 40 minutes to his journeys.

A spokesperson for York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: "We continue to work with City of York Council to look at collaborative approaches to ease the pressure on traffic around the hospital multi-storey car park and on our hospital site. 

"We have also recently reviewed the entry and exit system for the multi-storey to improve flow onto the site, which is now providing more accurate information about the number of parking spaces available."

City of York Council's director of transport, James Gilchrist, said: "The council monitors traffic on a regular basis and works with big trip generators such as the hospital to support them in helping their visitors make the most appropriate sustainable travel option.

"We also work closely on any changes to our transport networks with Yorkshire Ambulance Service and other blue light services."

York Press: Cllr Ravilious is the new Executive Member for TransportCllr Ravilious is the new Executive Member for Transport (Image: Newsquest)

Now the council's executive member for transport, Cllr Kate Ravilious, said that she's prioritising York's major "transport corridors" as part of their draft local transport strategy.

"We’ll consider how traffic management and supporting public transport, walking, wheeling and cycling can help alleviate congestion such as that around the hospital," she added.

"Our ‘Movement & Place Plan’ will be a cornerstone of the transport strategy, and for the first time in years, will look at the whole city, rather than simply making small changes that have knock on effects in neighbouring areas. 

"The creation of a Mayoral Combined Authority also provides opportunities to access additional funding to help achieve our transport ambitions”.

Former City of York Council transport boss, Andy D'Agorne, told The Press that the traffic problems outside the hospital are "longstanding", as he called on everyone working together to find a solution.