Two mums from North Yorkshire are driving an ambulance they helped to buy full of medical aid supplies to Ukraine on Sunday (June 2).

Louise Holmes and Victoria Rothwell, both from Appleton Roebuck, are among a group of mothers who came together five weeks ago to raise the £7,000 needed to buy the vehicle through the non-profit organisation Mighty Convoy.

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Louise Holmes said: “We have been overwhelmed with the response to our fundraising.

“It has been a real community effort and we have had a wonderful response from people around the country and as far afield as Los Angeles.

“There is a continuous need for medical aid and vehicles at the front line and we wanted to do something meaningful to help people in the midst of a war.”

The two got a taste of what they’ll be facing behind the wheel of an ambulance when they took some training with the Yorkshire Ambulance Trust.

Victoria Rothwell said: “Louise persuaded me to get involved when we were on a walk in the woods.

“I had been trying to explain the war to my children after they heard something on the news and decided I wanted to do something to help.”

The convoy should arrive on Monday evening in Lviv where Christian Medical Association Ukraine (CMAU) will take over and get the vehicles to the frontline.

Victoria said: "I am looking forward to the journey.

"Now we have got our ambulance sorted, we are focusing on playlists and snacks to keep us going.”