I read about City of York Council’s ‘Buzz About York’ campaign to promote biodiversity and help wildlife flourish in the city.

I think this is a great campaign but please engage the community more by encouraging people to join in and get involved with this project.

Suggestions as to how you could achieve this include:

  • introduce vouchers/wildflower seed packets to collect free from CYC offices
  • encourage residents to use the seeds to plant up rough ground in their communities and streets - run a competition for the Best Buzzing Street in York!
  • engage local businesses and garden centres to sponsor all the roundabouts on the Inner and Outer Ring Roads by providing the wildflower seeds and planting displays next to their advertising boards and Buzz Campaign boards on the roundabouts.
  • run a Buzz planting week in all the city’s schools and a competition at the end of it.
  • introduce beehives to the City Parks and green spaces and employ a bee keeper to take care of them.

I am currently supporting my military husband on a posting in the Netherlands and the Dutch really support the flora and fauna with a robust regime of horticultural practices.

Perhaps send a CYC delegate to Eindhoven to discuss how they have improved their city’s wildlife habitat.

Samantha Rogers, Clifton, York


Thank you York for your kindness to a stranger

One evening recently at about 4pm I had a fall just as I turned from the Link Road at New Earswick into Hawthorn Terrace.

This resulted in me bashing my head on the concrete edge of the pavement.

I have degenerative scoliosis which is now causing me to lose my balance. There was a lot of blood and I was stuck in the road but the wonderful people of this wonderful city came from every direction to assist.

They cleaned my wound, stopped most of the bleeding and called an ambulance, then moved me out of the road onto the pavement.

The ambulance arrived quickly, and took me to York Hospital then to head trauma, where they cleaned glued, and stuck my wound together and let me go home.

So thank you, thank you and thank you again all you wonderful people who stopped to help a stranger. I wish wonderful things for you all!

Patricia A Jones, New Earswick, York


White posts puzzle

Could someone explain what the large white posts are all around York. There is now one in Acomb, on the corner near the roundabout.

I have heard a rumour that they vaguely ‘may be something to do with 5G’ but no-one has provided much of an adequate explanation.

Sarah-Jane Mackenzie, Nether Poppleton, York