The world doesn’t feel very safe or stable at the moment and more and more people are struggling to cope.

I’d like to bet that everyone reading this will have some sort of coping strategy, be it blocking certain threads on X, avoiding people we know hold strong views or simply not watching or following any news channel.

I’ll understand if you stop reading now!

It’s easy to see why the world feels so unsettled.

There are two very high profile (and very high cost to civilian life) wars raging, one of which has had the unfortunate extra effect of causing protests and a huge rise in hate crime in the UK.

There is increasingly vitriolic language around refugees which polarises people and has also caused an increase in hate crime

There is a very hotly contested election campaign gearing up in the United States of America which is getting a large amount of coverage here as one of the candidates, and indeed the favourite, has been convicted of criminal charges on multiple counts.

Here, a snap general election has been called amid resignations, MPs refusing to stand and with the aftermath of alleged law breaking in 10 Downing Street.

We have been live streamed the investigation into an alleged cover up in the Post Office which led to innocent people losing their freedom and in some instances their lives. There is another alleged cover up: blood infected with HIV was transplanted into people who were already very ill, often causing death.

Climate change is not only becoming more apparent, but appears to be gathering pace, with some people saying this may be irreversible now. Protesters are being legislated against.

Government ministers are recommending we all have emergency store cupboards in place just to add to the heightened sense of unease we are feeling.

The course of human history has been shaped by greed, war, genocide and industrialisation for profit ruining the environment.

The chances are, though, that people we work with and socialise with are pretty nice people and not warmongering maniacs!

We have the ability as a human race to create art and music which moves us and to invent vaccines to keep us alive.

From Yorkshire to Ukraine, we mostly just want some peace, security and happiness in our lives.

It’s very easy to say there’s nothing I can do and run off to buy bottled water and baked beans, but there is something everyone can do to improve some people’s lives just a little. ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ is a common saying that originated from a Chinese proverb.

The Mental Health Foundation says: “Evidence shows that helping others can also benefit our own mental health and wellbeing. For example, it can reduce stress as well as improve mood, self-esteem and happiness. There are so many ways to help others as part of our everyday lives. Good deeds needn’t take much time or cost any money.”

Volunteering with an organisation like us has added benefits such as making friends, attending social events and training into work that you could be paid for if you chose to do so.

We always need good volunteers to help us deliver the increasingly vital support that residents of York need. Could you join us for a couple of hours each week? We’re some of those ‘pretty nice people’ I mentioned earlier!

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York have never needed us at Citizens Advice more.

Year on year, we have seen an increase of nearly 1500 clients and over 4000 more problems they have come to us for help with.

We could not do this without your ongoing support.

We have served the community since 1967, we have seen economic and cultural shocks from wars to pandemics and have kept going to ensure no one in York is without help, support and understanding when they need it most.

Citizens Advice York

Citizens Advice York is a small independent charity providing support and advice to York residents on all of the topics mentioned here!

Whilst City of York Council remain consistent and generous funders, we still have to raise £30,000 to £40,000 each and every year (and sometimes more!) to cover the full cost of this important service.

We could not operate without the generosity of donations to fill this gap. We are incredibly grateful for support, especially when everyone is feeling the effects of this current cost of living crisis.

We know that times are hard, but if you are able to help please donate so we can keep on helping others. You can make a one off donation or become a “Friend of Citizens Advice York” and make a monthly subscription.

To find out more, visit

Or, for details of how to become a Friend of Citizens Advice York, email or call 01904 623648.

Fiona McCulloch is Chief Officer of Citizens Advice York