We owe a huge vote of thanks to the organisers of this year’s York Pride.

To anyone who lined the streets, walked in the parade, or attended the event on Knavesmire, it was a wonderful, joyful day of celebration of the LGBTQ+ community - and everyone was invited.

This must have been the biggest York Pride we’ve ever had, as the event field was packed with people sharing the happy, inclusive atmosphere whilst being entertained by a host of performers.

York Pride is one of the few big Pride events that is completely free to attend, thanks to a lot of hard work fundraising and securing sponsors. It is run entirely by volunteers, so any money made is invested back into the event. What a brilliant initiative for our city.

Jay Commins, Furlong Road, Stamford Bridge, York


The ‘other D-Day’

As we celebrate and commemorate the D-Day landings in Normandy of 80 years ago, we tend to forget what I call the other D-Day -Operation Bagration.

Operation Bagration was launched by the Soviet Union on June 22 against the Germans on the E astern Front.

It devastated the Germans, destroying a quarter of all their armed forces on that front.

As a result, the Germans were unable to reinforce their army in Normandy. Had they been able to do so, the campaign there would have been longer and bloodier. It might even have resulted in defeat for the Allies.

It is right that we remember D-Day, a most extraordinary achievement. But we should also remember Operation Bagration, which did much to ensure victory in Normandy.

David Martin, Rosedale Avenue, Acomb


Life under Labour...

How I agree with M. Horsman (Letters, May 24). What have we got to look forward to if Labour win the General Election?

The country being held to ransom by unreasonable demands of trade unions, and thousands of children unable to get a school place because of the proposed VAT charge on independent school fees: the thousands of additional teachers they say they will provide equates to less than one extra teacher per school.

Let’s face it, Labour can’t stand the idea of those who are hard working and aspirational and just want the best for their children.

We’ll also get an unpatriotic Labour Leader who, when asked would he rather be in Davos or Westminster, replied ‘Davos - as that’s where all the big decisions are made’! And before rabid Remoaners start jumping up and down presuming I’m a Brexiteer, I voted to remain in the EU, though if we voted again I’d vote to leave.

As M. Horsman says in his letter: ‘may God have mercy on our souls’.

Ginny Dawson, Fishergate, York


What about farming?

An indication as to how much importance politicians aspiring to form the next government place in one of the nations vital industries - agriculture - is the fact that, to date, there has been minimal emphasis during the election campaign on how to support, develop, maintain this necessary ingredient of national life.

Could it be because 99 per cent of politicians possess zero knowledge and interest in farming?

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby


I vote for more football on TV

In a world where Russia is killing Ukrainians daily, terrorists abound, and the NHS needs attention the Lib Dems want more football on TV. Gets my vote!

John Zimnoch, Osbaldwick