A TEACHER at a York school has had his head shaved in a bid to raise hundreds of pounds for worthy causes.

Ethan Allott who teaches at Clifton Green School in Clifton in York has had his head shaved for school funds to support educational visits and enrichment opportunities.

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He's also donating a portion of the money to support Child Bereavement in York - a charity close to the school community. 

He said: "Firstly, part of the money raised will be placed in our school fund to help to ensure that our children have the opportunity to go on key educational visits to enhance their learning experiences - making core memories to last a lifetime.

"Additionally, a proportion of the money will be going to a very special charity, Bereaved Child Support York.

"This fantastic charity does incredible work for children and young people who may have lost a love one, a charity close to our hearts at Clifton Green.

"Please donate anything you can to support our school community and children across York.

"Your help is much appreciated no matter how big or small."

Head teacher Nicki Jones said: "We're really grateful to have such committed team members within our school, such as Ethan, who go above and beyond to support our community and everything our school strives for.

"This fundraiser has been a huge success and Ethan is a great ambassador for Clifton Green and a wonderful role model for our pupils."

The fundraiser has so far raised £610. To donate to the cause go to: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mr-allotts-charity-shave-for-school?utm_medium=social&utm_source=whatsapp&utm_campaign=p_nacp+share-sheet