Political party leaders are set to visit York for a special election debate.

The Question Time Leaders’ Special is set to be held at a currently undisclosed location in York on Thursday, June 20.

Fiona Bruce will present a special two-hour programme in which the Conservative Party leader, Rishi Sunak, Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey, and John Swinney, the leader of the Scottish National Party, will answer questions from the studio audience.


Each will be questioned by the public for 30 minutes on the issues that matter the most to local voters.

Jonathan Munro, deputy CEO of BBC News, said: “TV debates have become a key part of elections in the UK, giving voters the chance to hear leaders and senior politicians debate policies and ideas directly with each other, which rarely happens on the campaign trail.

“The BBC brings people together. Providing a shared space for people to debate and discuss is a vital part of our mission, so I’m delighted we’re holding this series of debates and election specials, hosted by such talented presenters.”

For those watching the debate at home, it will be broadcast from 8pm-10pm on June 20 with further details on location and how to get your hands on tickets to be revealed at a later date.