A POLICE cordon has been lifted in a York street.

As The Press reported last night, North Yorkshire Police had cordoned off St Marys off Bootham in York opposite Bootham Park.

A police van remained in the street after 10pm last night and it was closed to traffic.

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The section of Marygate car park reserved for electric vehicle charging and the adjoining footpath were also sealed off by police tape.

A police scene guard was in place at the bottom of the street and more police vehicles were at the car park end of St Marys in Marygate Lane and Frederic Street.

As of 8am today (June 6) the cordon had been lifted.

A North Yorkshire Police spokesperson said they received a call from the ambulance service at about 8.30pm on Wednesday night to an incident in Marygate Terrace.

"Two men sustained injuries during the incident and officers are carrying out investigations," they said.

York Press: The police cordon in St Marys last nightThe police cordon in St Marys last night (Image: Haydn Lewis)