A North Yorkshire sausage factory is now being powered by the sun.

Bedale-based HECK! Food installed 433 solar panels on the roof of its Kirkington HQ, capable of generating 200,000 kwh a year, about a fifth of its needs.

The £150,000 investment was supported by a £49,950 grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

HECK! Co-founder Jamie Keeble says installing was part of company ambitions on sustainability and would save 45 tonnes of carbon a year.

North Yorkshire Council chief executive Richard Flinton says decarbonisation is a priority for the council and to was brilliant to support firms use such grants to install solar panels.

He added: “Manufacturers of quality products like HECK! are an important part of the economy and it is vital they’re supported to reach net zero.”

HECK! also has other initiatives to meet Net Zero, which includes a launching a ‘Care Code’  to work on initiatives across health, environment, community and kindness.

Jamie added the company has already reduced its emissions by 30% and is looking to reduce them further. HECK! will publish its first annual impact report this year, which charts the firm’s climate impact across its supply chain.