UPDATE - The Press understands that power has now be restored at properties in Long Marston

ABOUT thirty properties in and around Long Marston are without power this morning.

Engineers from Northern Powergrid say they were first alerted to the problem at just after midnight last night.

They say they have managed to restore power to some of the properties affected, and are working to restore it to the rest. At the moment, about 30 properties remain without electricity.

A spokesperson for Northern Powergrid said the company hoped to restore power to the remaining properties by 2pm – but warned that could be pushed back.

The spokesperson said: “We’re sorry for any inconvenience this power cut may cause.

“As this was unplanned, we were unable to give advanced warning about it.

“Thanks to the work of our teams, we’ve been able to restore power to some of the customers affected by the power cut. We will continue to work as quickly as possible to get the remaining customers’ power back on.”