ALL political parties seem to think the only way to nurse the NHS back to good health is to continually prescribe ever more billions of pounds when in effect all they are doing is allowing matters to fester.

Instead of grasping the scalpel and reforming same from top to bottom, particularly non-medical management for they have proved to date to be not of sufficient calibre, incapable of providing a service patients rightly demand, considering the vast sums of money invested from the public purse.

Whoever wins the election has to realise an expensive monetary sticking plaster is not the cure for a serious illness requiring urgent major surgical attention.

But to achieve this will require guts and courage, virtues no current political leader possess.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,


North Yorkshire


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MPs must speak up for children at risk

THE General Election is in less than a month, so there’s a chance we’ll soon be seeing prospective political candidates and their supporters on our high street or knocking on our doors.

This gives us a chance to speak to individuals from all political parties about what they will do to support babies, children and young people in our communities.

We want to encourage political candidates to be a voice for children if they’re elected as our local MP.

Working at the NSPCC, I know the impact abuse and neglect can have on a child, but I also know how quality support can help to keep children safe and help those who have experienced abuse to recover.

Children need to be protected at home, in school, online, and in our local community. That’s why I’m asking everyone to urge political parties to prioritise preventing abuse and neglect, so that every child can grow up safe and healthy.

Please join with the NSPCC to ensure our new Members of Parliament speak up for children.

To find out more about the NSPCC’s calls for a new UK Government, go to


Debra Radford

NSPCC Assistant Director for North East, Yorkshire and the Humber
