I JUST wanted to note how heart-warming it is to see ex-Huntington School student Luke Charters return to his home-city and bid to become the MP for York Outer.

He's a breath of fresh air!

I know him to be a selfless individual, who only has ambition for his constituents, not himself.

He's a local man with a young family who understands his community and is keen to change things to help our city thrive - let's hope Luke gets the chance!

John Tomsett,

Lastingham Terrace,



Get them young!

TAKING my god-daughter to school at St Wilfred's school Monkgate, York, I was surprised to see our local Labour MP Rachael Maskell and one of her cohort handing out election leaflets at the St John's Street car park entrance on Grove's Lane to parents and guardians.

"Get them young" that's what I say.

Apparently one of the suggestions by Sir Keir Starmer is for the voting age to be lowered to 16 years - but 4 years old well, that's scraping the barrel!

D M Deamer

Penleys Grove Street



Thoughts on elections

IF there is one good reason not to vote Labour at the General Election it is their utterly ridiculous addiction to net zero by 2030.

All "energy specialists" say to continue with such a plan can only result in a total collapse of our power industry - will that concern Ed Milliband, Labour's "clean power" fantasist, not one jot! Neither will it Keir "puppet on a string" Starmer, manipulated by those the electorate never hear of.

PS: Any political party which can guarantee daily temperatures of 70 degrees for the next three months can have my vote.

Peter Rickaby

West Park



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