A WEST end performer and reality TV winner is set to take to the stage in York for the pantomime season.

Sario Solomon, who was a winner in BBC’s Let It Shine – a show that sought out performers for a West End musical based on the musical journey of Take That, is set to take to the stage at York Theatre Royal to play the title role in Aladdin.

Having performed as Aladdin in Telford in 2021, Sario said he was excited to return to both pantomime and the role of Aladdin.

He said: “There aren’t as many roles out there for Asian performers so it’s fantastic to get to do this – such a great opportunity. I remember seeing the original Aladdin as a kid and loving it.


“I’m also so excited to be in York – it’s my first time here and it’s really pretty. Coming from London where everyone is rushing about, people seem really happy to just be here – it’s refreshing.”

Sario Solomon as Aladdin at York Theatre RoyalSario Solomon as Aladdin at York Theatre Royal (Image: Ant Robling)

Sario is currently performing as Donny in a production of Grease, which is currently touring the country until November.

Juliet Forster, who is producing three shows for York Theatre Royal this year - including the summer and winter pantomimes, said: “It’s just a brill panto story: with each title, there’s something and with Aladdin, there isn’t as much transformation as in other stories, but there’s sheer exhilaration and excitement in the effects of the flying carpet and some other tricks we have coming.

“The script is fresh, funny, and it’s new with a great, contemporary, and buzzing soundtrack. It’s also amazing to have performers of Asian descent to tell the story.”

Produced in collaboration with Evolution Productions, the story is the classic tale of Aladdin with a York twist where performers head down Shambles and arrive in an ‘exotic world’ where the story is set to take place.

Juliet added: “What we looked for in casting Aladdin was real, likeable, good panto performers who can sing, dance, and are good in the open panto style of performance and we have that.

“Sario is so cheeky and open, and our dame is fantastic – a good dame is hard to find, and Robin Simpson has been ours for four seasons. I’ve also been keen to bring back Paul Hawkyard - who is playing Abanazar - as he and Robin are so playful and make a great comedy duo-ship.

“We also have the incredible CBBC and CBeebies Evie Pickerill playing the Spirit of the Ring.”

Tickets for Aladdin are on sale now through the York Theatre Royal website with the show set to take place from December 3 to January 5.