PETER Rickaby decries politicians but offers no suggestions to improve the NHS (None of our leaders have the guts to fix the NHS, The Press, June 14).

Here are a couple of suggestions. These are not Liberal Democrat policies, I am simply showing Mr Rickaby what real change might look like.

There are currently around 7.5 million people on NHS waiting lists. Every year there are also around 7.5 million missed appointments, where people don’t turn up.

That's 665,000 missed appointments per month. What if people who fail to turn up for an appointment without good reason or fail to advise their doctor or hospital at least 24 hours ahead, were fined five or ten pounds? Would that focus minds and help the NHS reschedule appointments to reduce the waiting lists?

In Switzerland citizens can go to any hospital in their region, public or private, for treatment. The state caps the cost of treatment for ALL hospitals, ie: a hip replacement cost the same no matter where it is done. This controls costs to the public purse and prevents two-tier healthcare.

Fixing the NHS is about more than the number of doctors, nurses or managers. The UK is 20th on the list of best healthcare in Europe countries. Isn’t it time we start learning from others?

Christian Vassie

Liberal Democrat PPC in Selby

Blake Court,

Wheldrake, York


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