A man who made himself a pest to a woman via LinkedIn was among defendants sentenced recently at York Magistrates Court. 

Liam Horner, 28, of Hull Road, Wilberforce, East Yorkshire, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Heworth. He was given a 12-month community order with 120 hours’ unpaid work, a 26-month driving ban and ordered to pay £400 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge.

Mark Pryke, 59, of Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moor, York, pleaded guilty to four charges of breaching a restraining order by following a woman on LinkedIn, viewing her profile on several occasions, liking her posts and commenting on her post. He was made subject to a 12-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months on condition he does 25 days’ rehabilitative activities and 100 hours’ unpaid work. He must pay £85 prosecution costs.

Benjamin Watson, 30, of Fishergate, York, pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer at a hostel for the homeless in York. He was given a 12-month community order with 15 days’ rehabilitative activities and 40 hours’ unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £80 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge.

Jody Miller, 40, of no fixed address was jailed for nine weeks after he pleaded guilty to harassing a woman in York and criminal damage to her window. He was made subject to a two-year restraining order banning him from contacting the woman or going to her home street.