THE public and others are being urged to have their say in a planned regeneration of a major retail site on the edge of York city centre.

Public consultation has begun concerning the 9-acre brownfield site at Foss Bank, which presently contains the soon to be vacant Sainsbury’s and GO Outdoors stores, as well as the existing car park.

A consultation drop-in event will also take place later this month.

The consultation, which saw the delivery of leaflets around the area, follows a petition to save the supermarket, which has attracted more than 1,000 signatures.

The promotional material has said: “This is a unique opportunity to transform a key site in the City, deliver on York’s need for a variety of accommodation, significantly improve and create a new public square and gardens, and regenerate this 9-acre brownfield site.”


The proposals “for a vibrant new neighbourhood” stem from a partnership between Argo Real Estate Ltd and Fusion Group.

The pair promise a “landscape-led and placemaking approach”, with initial designs including “ new public routes with accessible green spaces and squares that reflect the history of the site, incorporating extensive biodiversity-rich planting throughout.”

A statement continued: “The vision to revitalise the site aims to deliver a truly exemplar, sustainable neighbourhood for the City of York. The initial proposals include new much needed homes for students, alongside, co-living, key worker, later living homes and local retail provision.”

Julian Evans, Land and Planning Director at Fusion Group said: “This is a unique opportunity to regenerate a key site in the city, deliver on York’s need for new accommodation, and create a thriving, high-quality sustainable neighbourhood with exemplar public green open spaces.

“We want feedback from the local community about our initial ideas and principles of the development before we move forward with a more detailed design. Please join us to help shape this future community for the city”.

(Image: pic supplied)

Fusion Group says it is a nationally recognised developer and operator with a track record of creating thoughtful spaces, places and homes across the UK. Fusion is partnering with the landowner, Argo Real Estate, a UK based investment manager with expertise across all types of property.

A public drop-in exhibition will take place at on Monday June 24 (3-7pm) at Temple Hall, York St John University, Lord Mayor’s Walk, York.

Residents and local groups will be able to discuss the emerging proposals with the project team and provide valuable feedback. A dedicated consultation website has also been launched at:

This public consultation will continue through the Summer with further opportunities to comment following detailed design work at further events which will be organised later this year.

Following discussions with all parties, the leases for Sainsbury’s and GO Outdoors end in January 2025 and they will both be vacating the site. Discussions are taking place with City of York Council to redevelop the Foss Bank car park as part of the scheme, a statement added.